Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Update on the 10,000 paper crane appeal for Belarus

Last Spring Make Some Noise launched an appeal to send 10,000 origami cranes to the Belarus Minister of Internal Affairs, demanding freedom of expression and the release of prisoner of conscience Zmister Dashkevich.
From Berlin to Montreal (can you spot the Make Some Noise band who sent us their picture?), over 5,000 cranes have already made their way to Minsk. We've asked you to take a picture of your crane(s) before putting it/them in an envelope: you didn't let us down, once again the creativity and hard work on display is breathtaking! Collective efforts like the giant Amnesty candle (500 cranes, who will beat the record?), or cute individual initiatives (check this one out), each contribution is making a difference.

Zmitser Dashkevich, whose detention has come to symbolise the lack of freedom of expression in Belarus, is now aware of the action. Some cranes apparently made their way to the prison, where guards are spending time unfolding them for security reasons! Zmitser has thanked everyone for the support, which he says is very important to him. Since the Make Some Noise campaign started, five members of Zmitser's youth opposition movement who were awaiting trial received much milder sentences than Zmitser and were only fined. We need to keep up the pressure.

Zmitser will be 26 on July 20th. Give him the best birthday present possible: send a crane to the Belarus government and demand freedom of expression for Belarus now!

Take part now!

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