Thursday, June 07, 2007

Kyiv mayor cracks down on kiosks selling anti-Semitic literature

6 June 2007

Kyiv’s mayor Leonid Chernovetsky has ordered the closure of kiosks in the Ukrainian capital that sell anti-Semitic literature. Chernovetsky said that his city was going to remove the ‘illegally installed kiosks’ selling anti-Semitic pamphlets and periodicals published by MAUP, a private Kyiv university with a history of anti-Semitism.

MAUP's bookstall, not far from the Babi Yar ravine where tens of thousands of Jews were murdered by the Nazis, was removed 30 May despite protests by university representatives. MAUP publishes a wide spectrum of anti-Zionist, anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic articles and books by Ukrainian and foreign authors. Jewish leaders in Ukraine have long criticized Ukrainian authorities for not doing enough to curtail anti-Jewish hate propaganda at the university.

Source: World Jewish Congress


Anonymous said...

Kyiv sounds better.

Youth Network of Amnesty International Ukraine said...

Actually, I never use Kiev myself. But that piece of news was recopied from the World Jewish Congress web-site, and I just didn't introduce changes into article. Ok, I'll do that :)