Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Regional Programme on Human Rights for participants from Eastern Europe, Balkans and Central Asia

October 8 - November 2, 2007 (Phase I)
May 19 - 23, 2008 (Phase II)

The objective of the programme is to provide participants with in-depth knowledge of international and regional systems for the promotion and protection of human rights, regional and international monitoring mechanisms and national implementation procedures in the field of human rights. The programme will also provide an opportunity for participants to exchange ideas and experiences from their national contexts. Through the programme, participants will gain knowledge in the area of human rights which can be utilized in the participants’ own line of work.

The programme will accept 25 participants and is primarily designed for mid-level and senior officials in public service (e.g. in government, the judiciary and central police and prison authorities) as well as representatives (e.g. lecturers and researchers) from academic institutions and non-governmental organisations dealing with human rights issues.

During Phase I of the programme, participants will be requested to formulate, in writing, an individual assignment identifying challenges in implementing international human rights standards focusing on a particular issue or area of relevance to their respective institution or organisation.

The issue or area of focus in the individual assignment should concern one of the following topics:

  • Minority Rights
  • Rights of vulnerable groups (persons with disabilities, migrants, IDPs)
  • HR of women
  • Independence of judiciary
  • National application of ECHR

Applicants must submit a draft of their individual assignment when applying to the programme.

Candidates from the following countries are invited to apply: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Serbia (including Kosovo), Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Important information about the application process - please read before applying:

  • Applications from other states than those mentioned above, will NOT be considered;
  • There is a specific application form that must be used when applying. You can download it from this site, or apply directly using the electronic application form. (Sending only your CV will NOT be regarded as an application.)
  • Information brochures and application forms have been sent to Swedish Embassies/Consulates in the invited countries;
  • Application forms can be sent to the Raoul Wallenberg Institute either by fax, email or regular mail;
  • When using the electronic application form, the confirmation page (automatically generated when sending the electronic application form) must be sent in to the Raoul Wallenberg Institute in order for the application to be completed.
  • Last date for submitting applications is July 29, 2007.

Electronic application form

Friday, June 15, 2007

Українські активісти запустять «Сигнал солідарності» з Білорусcю


Українські активісти запустять «Сигнал солідарності» з Білорусcю

16.06.2007, субота, 13:00,

Посольство Республіки Білорусь,

вул.М.Коцюбинського, 3.

В Білорусі влада почала кампанію з демонтажу супутникових антен, обмежуючи таким чином можливість громадян Білорусі дивитись світові телеканали, а також незалежний білоруський канал „Белсат”.

Громадянська ініціатива „Солідарність” проведе під стінами Посольства Білорусі акцію протесту проти брутального порушення білоруськими властями права на доступ до інформації та свободи слова в Білорусі.

Під час акції українські активісти покажуть театралізовану виставу, в якій продемонструють, як на практиці режим Лукашенка бореться із незалежним телебаченням.

Сигнал солідарності буде запущено 16 червня 2007 року о 13.00 біля Посольства Республіки Білорусь (м. Київ, вул. М. Коцюбинського, 3).


Контакти організаторів:
Віктор 8 067 442 14 94

Аляксей 8 063 566
96 09

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Kyiv mayor cracks down on kiosks selling anti-Semitic literature

6 June 2007

Kyiv’s mayor Leonid Chernovetsky has ordered the closure of kiosks in the Ukrainian capital that sell anti-Semitic literature. Chernovetsky said that his city was going to remove the ‘illegally installed kiosks’ selling anti-Semitic pamphlets and periodicals published by MAUP, a private Kyiv university with a history of anti-Semitism.

MAUP's bookstall, not far from the Babi Yar ravine where tens of thousands of Jews were murdered by the Nazis, was removed 30 May despite protests by university representatives. MAUP publishes a wide spectrum of anti-Zionist, anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic articles and books by Ukrainian and foreign authors. Jewish leaders in Ukraine have long criticized Ukrainian authorities for not doing enough to curtail anti-Jewish hate propaganda at the university.

Source: World Jewish Congress